Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Natural Playground Plans

View of seating around trees, all weather music drums for the hearing impaired, and one of the hill slides.
Overview of playground.  The four light colored trees on far left are existing.  All other trees will be added.
Aerial view of blacktop in relation to playground
Another aerial view that shows the topography change and view from neighboring homes.
Playground showing relationship between Rock Boulders/Spiderweb Climber to the far hill.
Stumps and logs will be near front path.  Lots of trees for shade and relaxed play.
Good view of valley between hill slide and tunnel.  Bridge over tunnel is a destination point as well.
Far right of design showing tunnel top as well as extra tables/seating area.
Shed will contain all teacher materials necessary for an outdoor classroom.  (Rolling white board, etc.)  There will be seating for 30 children outside at the tables so classroom work may be done. 
Nice view of extra boulders/stones to climb/sit on and view of winding paths throughout design.
View of the Amphitheater that will be graded down behind the first hill slide.  Outdoor classroom potential as well as imaginative play for the children and seating for adults after school.
Additional seating around tree and graded sand pit area at the far left of design to minimize sand exposure in the school.
Entrance to playground.  Upside down tree as well as a fence border that will be able to be climbed on and used as play. 
View of tunnel for the children.
Close up view of Spiderweb Climber/boulders.